Interview – Marsha Bartenetti

Have you ever found yourself revisiting a particular dream more than once?
I have a recurring dream of a house that I have never seen in my current life, but it is so clear in my dream I know all the rooms, the surrounding property. It is a gorgeous estate, and in the dream, I am showing someone all the rooms. I will recognize it if I ever come across it in my waking time. I feel like it is a past life visit.

In your opinion, what is an essential life experience that every individual should undergo at least once?

Interesting question. Frankly, I think experiencing loss is a deep and necessary part of life that creates room for empathy and humanity. Although we all will experience this within our time, it really is more important how we respond to this experience that is “essential” in our evolvement. Whether it be a loved one, a cherished pet, a home…through death or separation, it causes us to feel one of life’s most profound aspects. We all know one thing is for sure. That we will die. So much of our society stays in denial of this fact by cherishing “youth”, denouncing the wisdom of our elders by rendering them “invisible” rather than embracing the richness experience brings. When we allow ourselves to truly experience loss as an important part of life, rather than running from it, we come away with a deeper, richer view of life and those around us. It becomes, as it should, an integral part of truly being alive. As an artist, it also informs us on a deeper soul level when interpreting a lyric.

What’s currently playing in your ears?
Sting’s “Fragile”

What is one book that changed your life?

So many books to choose from! One particularly stands out:
Many Lives, Many Maters by Brian L. Weiss, M.D.
It was introduced to me after someone very special in my life died suddenly and I was having all sorts of “death” questions.

If we’re treating, what beverage would you choose?

Dom Perignon – I will never turn down a beautiful glass of champagne.

Share with us a significant dinner memory that stands out for you.

In Los Angeles we have a restaurant, “Providence”. Each course is like a work of art. The evening is not rushed, and you are allowed to savor every bite. It was delicious and beautiful. A true “dining” experience.

Can you recount a challenging work experience that you consider to be the least enjoyable?

Years ago, I was involved in a recording session where the producer and I were definitely not on the same page. The producer had great technical skills, but, he did not know how to work with singers who had a point of view in the interpretation of the song. It made trying to create and interpret the songs from an authentic place very difficult and uninspiring. So, rather than creating a great product, it became a “job” and I felt that it fell flat. Now I am sure to communicate with the producers about my expectations and theirs – and determine if it’s a good fit creatively before we start working together.

Reflect on the day that brought you the most joy in your life.
Having my daughter was the most joyful moment of my life.

If you had the chance to jet off anywhere right now, where would your destination be?
I would fly to Italy and get back to Ravello on the Amalfi Coast.

Who holds the title of your favorite fictional hero?
Of course, these favorites may change, but Katniss Everdeen has always been inspiring!

How would you like people to remember you?
My perseverance in truth seeking and willingness to bring what I know to my voice, and hopefully impact someone through my singing to know themselves just a little bit better…and perhaps come away with a sense of hope. That I was kind. And loved love…and life..and loved to laugh.

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