Interview – Reuben Reuel

Have you ever found yourself revisiting a particular dream more than once?

All the time. My dreams are all connected, it feels like. There are times I’ll have a dream and in that dream, I’ll remember another dream I had but it’ll be in the same universe as the one I’m in at that moment. It’s kinda wild.

In your opinion, what is an essential life experience that every individual should undergo at least once?

Loss. It’s really hard to grasp at times but it is absolutely something every person should go through. I’ve had a lot of losses both personally and professionally and as much as it can be terrible to deal with… it really puts a lot in perspective. In my experience, there’s only growth after loss… if you allow it.

What’s currently playing in your ears?

I’ve been listening to Disclosure’s new album Alchemy. I really like it, I’ve had ‘Looking for Love’ on repeat for weeks now.

What is one book that changed your life?

All About Love by bell hooks

If we’re treating, what beverage would you choose?

A margarita or a Gin & Tonic, 100%

Share with us a significant dinner memory that stands out for you.

My grandmother’s 90th birthday dinner. I was in LA at the time and wasn’t sure if I’d make it back home for it but I did. We were with her whole immediate family, and it was so nice. What made it so significant, my youngest cousin was born not even two months before her birthday, so we were with the oldest and the youngest member from that whole side of the family.

Can you recount a challenging work experience that you consider to be the least enjoyable?

Not necessarily a ‘work experience’ but the process of releasing a song or album is terrible. There is so much that needs to get done and so many steps. First, you gotta register it, then copyright, then release, then promo, etc. It’s too much. I love releasing but the lead-up to it is ridiculous. That and tech week!

Reflect on the day that brought you the most joy in your life.

I don’t think I’ve had that day yet, although there are many joyous moments in my life, I think that has yet to come

If you had the chance to jet off anywhere right now, where would your destination be?

The Maldives for sure

Who holds the title of your favorite fictional hero?


How would you like people to remember you?

Genuine, kind, confident, a risk-taker… and fun

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