Interview: Ellen Hayes

Have you ever found yourself revisiting a particular dream more than once?

Yes. I had a prophetic dream 3 consecutive nights some years ago, that I eventually turned into a song. The song is titled “The Holy City” and is track # 11 which is “the story behind the song” and the actual song #12 on the “We Owe It All To You” album originally released in March of 2022.

In your opinion, what is an essential life experience that every individual should undergo at least once?

I’m gonna say marriage. I get It that not all marriages are fruitful or result in a happy ending, but I believe in the constitution of marriage and feel everyone should at least try It.

What’s currently playing in your ears?

Currently there are 4 songs playing in my ears. “Another Chance” written by me featuring my church choir, “The Word of Truth Mass Choir” “Jesus Promised” by Chicago Mass Choir, “Jesus” by John P Kee, and “I Tried Him for Myself” by Edwin Hawkins.

What is one book that changed your life?

I’m gonna have to say, “The Bible”.
It’s a comforter, a mirror, a teacher, and it gives me the inspiration to write my songs.

If we’re treating, what beverage would you choose?

Water or Sparkling Ice any flavor.

Share with us a significant dinner memory that stands out for you.

My 60th birthday dinner. My husband and children asked me what I wanted prior to my birthday? I said professional photos with the entire family. It’s sometimes hard for all of us (8 children and 22 grands) to get together sometimes because of the different lives we lead. But they are always there whenever I need any of them. So told them we would just get all dressed up, go to dinner and take photos maybe some place like Maggiano’s Little Italy. To my surprise we get all dressed up and they threw me a surprise birthday party. They actually slipped that past me, but I-was pleasantly surprised, and it was such a wonderful feeling and experience. I was 18 years old at my last surprise party. I’m not particular about them, but this one holds a very special memory and meaning.

Can you recount a challenging work experience that you consider to be the least enjoyable?

I used to bake sweet potato pies at home, which were a big hit. I started a business and supplied pies for a couple restaurants, and also individual customer orders. But the workload strained my hands greatly due to the high demand. Despite having to give up the business on my doctor’s advice, as I am still a musician and am in need of my hands to play piano, I do still bake for my family occasionally.

Reflect on the day that brought you the most joy in your life.

There are many days.
The day I got baptized, the day I got married, the day I had my first child, the day I was appointed choir director at my church, the day I heard my first song on the radio. I really could go on and on. It’s Impossible to choose just one day. Sorry!

If you had the chance to jet off anywhere right now, where would your destination be?

Paris or Italy

Who holds the title of your favorite fictional hero?
The Equalizer, Robert McCall

How would you like people to remember you?

I would like people to remember how I made them feel. I’d like them to remember my kindnesses, my faithfulness, my honesty and courage. I would also like to be remembered for my music, spreading messages of hope and having the ability to reach and encourage people through music, and for positively impacting their lives. The last, but not the least, my authenticity.

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