Interview: Talia Daniels

Have you ever found yourself revisiting a particular dream more than once?

 I absolutely have experienced one particular reoccurring dream since childhood.  I have dreamt repeatedly of being in a large area, leading worship and seeing the glory of God’s presence in that place.  It is a beautiful dream to wake up from.  In the dream I can see worshipers caught up in God’s presence.  It is what I imagine Heaven to be like.

    In your opinion, what is an essential life experience that every individual should undergo at least once?

    It may sound strange, but I believe it is necessary for us all to have at least one experience where we absolutely can not get through without God’s help.  For me, that as 9/11.  I was seven months pregnant and had to evacuate employees from an office building just a few short blocks from the disaster site.  God calmly walked me out of the building and then the area and took me safely home before people who lived on my block in Brooklyn NY even knew what had happened.  It really is a beautiful testimony to share.  It shows that depths of God’s love for us.  That is why I believe that some of us (the stubborn) have to have a shake up experience to fully grasp the magnitude of God’s love.

    What’s currently playing in your ears?

    My goodness there is so much beautiful Christian music out today.  I have Cece Winans’ entire “Believe for It Album”, especially “Shepard”, Jenn Johnson’s “Holy Forever”, Chris McClarney’s “Speak to The Mountains” and Jonathan McReynolds’ “Able” on daily repeat.  My list of other daily song’s is just too long.

    What is one book that changed your life?

    I am actually reading a book by Pastor Robert Morris called “The God I Never Knew – How Real Friendship with The Holy Ghost Can Change Your Life”.  Pastor Morris is one of my all-time favorite writers!  This book brings the Person of the Holy Spirit to the forefront, which is something that was not readily taught when I was growing up.  It helps to understand the power that we have through Him!

    If we’re treating, what beverage would you choose?

    Ha!  A Starbucks Chai Tea Latte with extra foam, hot.  One the cold side a Chick-fil-a SunJoy!

    Share with us a significant dinner memory that stands out for you.

    Wow, this question brings tears to my eyes!  It’s not one dinner experience but each and every Sunday dinner that was shared with my family while growing up.  Sunday afternoons in my home were filled with excellent food, laughter, and good conversation.  Dad would be on one side of the table and Mom on the other and my brothers and I would be engaged in the events of the past week.  I have a solid memory of my father’s roaring laughter from those dinners

    Can you recount a challenging work experience that you consider to be the least enjoyable?

    I love these questions!  In 2000 I got a new boss after having worked at Oppenheimer for over 10 years.  He made my life difficult every single day.  He was the reason that I left Oppenheimer which was right at the base of the Twin Towers in January of 2001.  It was so hard to let go of the job, but what I didn’t know then, and what I believe now, was that God used him to get me out of the way of tragedy nine months later!  Sometimes we just can’t see what God is doing at the time.  We cry out to Him during times that we feel like we are being unduly hurt only to find out that He had a greater plan!

    Reflect on the day that brought you the most joy in your life.

    That is a hard question because there are so many day’s of joy!  The day I met my husband Dennis was markedly one of the best days of my life.  I had been lamenting to God all morning about loneliness.  I had spent 16 years in an abusive marriage which God delivered me from, and then another 9 years single.  I literally told God “if this is the life that you have for me then so be it, I turn it all over to you Lord” that very morning.  That afternoon I met my future husband at the post office of all places.  The moment we looked at each other, we both knew it was God!  We are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary in August this year.  God is faithful!

    If you had the chance to jet off anywhere right now, where would your destination be?

    I would absolutely love to go to Santorini Greece.  All the pictures that I have seen of it invokes such peace.  I would love to experience a peace in song writing in that place at least once.

    Who holds the title of your favorite fictional hero?

    I’m a total Marvel nut!  It would be unfair to pick just one!

    How would you like people to remember you?

    My prayer is that people remember me for speaking hope, the hope of Jesus into their lives!

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