Interview – Johnny Pearl

Have you ever found yourself revisiting a particular dream more than once?

Yes, I sometimes visit a town I call “the town of optimism where anything is possible”.
In your opinion, what is an essential life experience that every individual should undergo at least once? Trying to make money playing music on the street.

What’s currently playing in your ears?
Ry Cooder’s My Girl Josephine. Love the slide guitar playing on this and the groove.

What is one book that changed your life?
Atomic Habits

If we’re treating, what beverage would you choose?
Organic smoothy.

Share with us a significant dinner memory that stands out for you.
I once spent the evening with Hawk Walsh, who was the lead singer from the Downchild Blues Band – great voice. I loved the song Flip Flop and Fly! Weeks before I met him I had been listening to that song but couldn’t understand one of the lines he sang. He was a very humble guy and I was invited by my friend Maureen Brown, a great blues singer and drummer in Canada, to share the table with them. I finally got my chance to talk to Hawk and tell him I loved the song and his voice, and that I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what he sang in the third verse. He looked over at me while smoking a cigarette and said “She’s so skinny she could mombo in a payphone booth”. I never forgotten that evening and if you every get a chance to hear that version you would know Mo Brown and I were in the company of a giant ( Thanks Hawk! )

Can you recount a challenging work experience that you consider to be the least enjoyable?

Driving through West Virgina late at night in the pouring rain with my keyboard player heading home from Nashville. What a nightmare!
Reflect on the day that brought you the Great joy in your life.
Marrying the love of my life in Venice, Italy on October 18th of this year.
If you had the chance to jet off anywhere right now, where would your destination be? Back to Paris, France with my sweetheart and to play guitar at Shakespeare and Company book store on a rainy day.
Who holds the title of your favorite fictional hero?
Kris Kringle

How would you like people to remember you?

I would like the street person I gave him 20 bucks yesterday to remember that there are kind and friendly people out there and that when I smiled and said take good care of yourself, I am part of the light at the end of the tunnel and as a good songwriter/musician and grateful person.

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