August 9, 2024 | melodicmuse


‘Found Myself’ is Chase very first piece of work since the release of his second studio album ‘Seasons’ earlier this year.
The summer pop reggae ‘good feeling’ track will leave you wanting more and touches on the feelings of grief and solitude that come with an ending relationship. Conversely, the deeper message of the song addresses the idea that feeling lost and disoriented can be a crucial part of the journey towards self-discovery and that it’s often in those moments of uncertainty and searching that we uncover new perspectives, strengths, and directions in life.
“Found Myself” was co-produced by Chase and Houston Fry and mixed & mastered by Danny Kalb (Beck, Ben Harper, Foster the People, Jack Johnson and many more).

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about new music in the past” shares Chase. “Growing up in ‘New-Caledonia’, being a small island in the South Pacific highly influenced by reggae and its culture; it’s been a while since I’ve been wanting to make a pop reggae record as it’s always been my favorite style of music to perform live”. “I wrote this song earlier this year after going through some rough couple months and finally feeling that I had “found myself” and more importantly understood that sometimes we need to experience loss or uncertainty to fully appreciate and understand ourselves, leading to a deeper love and self-discovery if that makes sense.” “I believe that is something which a lot of people will be able to relate and connect to and I hope this song brings listeners a source of inspiration and light”.

In addition to the release of “Found Myself,” Chase has shared a brand-new music video which will have you believe it was shot 40 years ago.
Captured by Juan Pablo, the video is set in Venice, CA and was predominantly shot on an old school Sony vintage hand cam.

“When working on this song I could clearly picture the old school ‘punk rock’ scene of LA which I think came from some of the electric guitar tones and production elements we used on the record” mentions Chase. “I always wished I had experience living in LA in the 80s as I’ve always been a huge fan of the music and style that came from that era”.

“Fun fact on how the idea of having skateboarding being a key element of the video emerged; one night after working on the song in the studio with Houston, he texted me saying he was listening to it on his drive home when he saw this guy riding his skateboard under the rain in the middle of the night looking like the happiest man on earth, which he said felt too right when seeing it”. “Life throws challenges our way all the time, but finding joy in the little things can often bring the most happiness and fulfillment in life; this was the core source of inspiration behind the concept of this music video”.

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June 14, 2024 | melodicmuse

Interview: Flo Chase

Have you ever found yourself revisiting a particular dream more than once?

None recently that I can remember. Though as a kid, I do remember dreaming about falling off the edge of a tall building a couple times which is a bit of a weird one.

In your opinion, what is an essential life experience that every individual should undergo at least once?

Two come to mind. First, I would say traveling to a foreign country on your own as I think it is possibly the best way to learn and grow as an individual.
Secondly, I would say falling in love as it is one of the most special and electrifying feeling in the world.

What’s currently playing in your ears?

I’ve been listening to ‘Appreciate You’ and ‘Sunflower Fields’ by MAGIC.

What is one book that changed your life?

One of the most recent ones is ‘Greenlights’ by Matthew McConaughey.

If we’re treating, what beverage would you choose?

Would have to be an espresso martini.

Share with us a significant dinner memory that stands out for you.

One that comes to mind is a couple years back when we were traveling to Europe with some friends and our first night in Paris. We were so jet lagged that we just couldn’t stop laughing the entire night for absolutely no reason. Our waiter came and partied with us afterwards and it was probably the best night of this entire trip.

Can you recount a challenging work experience that you consider to be the least enjoyable?

My brother and I actually use to do security jobs for some private events in Sydney. I remember how some of these shifts just felt like they went on for a lifetime.

Reflect on the day that brought you the most joy in your life.

I would have to say my first day in the studio recording for my debut EP. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy and inspired. From having the band, record producer and my brother around for it made it so special. Seeing how these songs I originally wrote in my small studio apartment on my acoustic guitar or piano translated into a full band studio situation was so inspiring and uplifting.

If you had the chance to jet off anywhere right now, where would your destination be?

I’d say go meet my best mate in Spain. It’s such a good time to be in Europe right now with the summer and we always have a blast whenever we get to travel together.

Who holds the title of your favorite fictional hero?

I’m not much of a fictional hero movie or book guy but I’d say possibly Spider-man.

How would you like people to remember you?

Hopefully as a nice, genuine and generous person. Of course, it would be nice to be remembered for my work but at the end of the day I believe the most impact we can make with our time here is by being a good person and treating everyone with kindness and respect.

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